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30 Covert Emotional Manipulation Tactics That Will Leave You Feeling Hurt and Confused

Jese Leos
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8 min read
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Emotional manipulation is a tactic used by people to control and influence others. It can be very subtle and difficult to detect, but it can have a devastating impact on your emotional well-being.


5 out of 5

Language : English
File size : 373 KB
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
Word Wise : Enabled
Print length : 70 pages
Screen Reader : Supported

If you're in a relationship with someone who is emotionally manipulative, you may find yourself feeling confused, hurt, and alone. You may start to doubt your own judgment and question your reality. You may even feel like you're going crazy.

It's important to remember that you are not alone. Emotional manipulation is a common form of abuse. And it's never your fault.

In this article, we will explore 30 covert emotional manipulation tactics that you should be aware of. If you recognize any of these tactics in your relationship, it's important to seek help.

1. Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a form of emotional manipulation in which the manipulator tries to make you doubt your own reality. They may deny things that you know to be true, or they may try to convince you that you're crazy.

Gaslighting can be very confusing and disorienting. It can make you question your own sanity and make you feel like you're losing your mind.

2. Guilt-tripping

Guilt-tripping is a form of emotional manipulation in which the manipulator tries to make you feel guilty for something that you did or didn't do.

Guilt-tripping can be very effective, especially if you're a kind and compassionate person. You may feel like you have to do whatever the manipulator wants in order to make up for your mistake.

3. Love bombing

Love bombing is a form of emotional manipulation in which the manipulator showers you with affection and attention. They may tell you that you're the most amazing person they've ever met, and they may make you feel like you're the luckiest person in the world.

Love bombing can be very flattering, but it's important to be aware that it's often a manipulation tactic. The manipulator may be trying to gain your trust so that they can eventually take advantage of you.

4. Stonewalling

Stonewalling is a form of emotional manipulation in which the manipulator refuses to communicate with you. They may ignore your calls, texts, and emails. Or they may simply shut down and refuse to talk to you about anything.

Stonewalling can be very frustrating and hurtful. It can make you feel like you're not important to the manipulator, and it can make it difficult to resolve conflict.

5. Triangulation

Triangulation is a form of emotional manipulation in which the manipulator brings a third person into your relationship. They may do this to create jealousy or to make you feel like you're not good enough.

Triangulation can be very damaging to your relationship. It can create conflict and distrust, and it can make it difficult for you to communicate with your partner.

6. Silent treatment

The silent treatment is a form of emotional manipulation in which the manipulator refuses to speak to you. They may do this for days, weeks, or even months.

The silent treatment can be very hurtful and confusing. It can make you feel like you've done something wrong, and it can make it difficult to move on.

7. Emotional blackmail

Emotional blackmail is a form of emotional manipulation in which the manipulator threatens to do something harmful to themselves or to you if you don't do what they want.

Emotional blackmail can be very scary and intimidating. It can make you feel like you have no choice but to do what the manipulator wants.

8. Invalidating your feelings

Invalidating your feelings is a form of emotional manipulation in which the manipulator tells you that your feelings are wrong or invalid.

Invalidating your feelings can be very hurtful and confusing. It can make you feel like you're not allowed to have your own feelings, and it can make it difficult to trust your own judgment.

9. Shaming

Shaming is a form of emotional manipulation in which the manipulator makes you feel ashamed of who you are or what you've done.

Shaming can be very hurtful and humiliating. It can make you feel like you're not good enough, and it can make it difficult to recover from your mistakes.

10. Isolating you from your friends and family

Isolating you from your friends and family is a form of emotional manipulation in which the manipulator tries to make you feel like you don't have anyone else to turn to.

Isolating you from your friends and family can be very damaging. It can make you feel alone and isolated, and it can make it difficult to get support when you need it.

11. Controlling your finances

Controlling your finances is a form of emotional manipulation in which the manipulator takes control of your money and your financial decisions.

Controlling your finances can be very stressful and debilitating. It can make you feel like you don't have any control over your own life, and it can make it difficult to meet your basic needs.

12. Monitoring your movements

Monitoring your movements is a form of emotional manipulation in which the manipulator keeps track of where you go and who you see.

Monitoring your movements can be very intrusive and controlling. It can make you feel like you're not allowed to have any privacy, and it can make it difficult to maintain your own identity.

13. Monitoring your communications

Monitoring your communications is a form of emotional manipulation in which the manipulator reads your emails, text messages, and social media posts.

Monitoring your communications can be very invasive and disrespectful. It can make you feel like you have no privacy, and it can make it difficult to communicate with your friends and family.

14. Tracking your location

Tracking your location is a form of emotional manipulation in which the manipulator uses a GPS tracking device to keep track of where you are at all times.

Tracking your location can be very intrusive and controlling. It can make you feel like you're not allowed to have any privacy, and it can make it difficult to escape from the manipulator if you need to.

15. Making you feel responsible for their feelings

Making you feel responsible for their feelings is a form of emotional manipulation in which the manipulator tells you that your behavior is making them feel bad.

Making you feel responsible for their feelings can be very guilt-inducing. It can make you feel like you have to walk on eggshells around the manipulator, and it can make it difficult to stand up for yourself.

16. Making you feel like you're going crazy

Making you feel like you're going crazy is a form of emotional manipulation in which the manipulator tries to convince you that you're mentally unwell.

Making you feel like you're going crazy can be very disorienting and frightening. It can make you question your own sanity, and it can make it difficult to get help.

17. Telling you that no one else will ever love you

Telling you that no one else will ever love you is a form of emotional manipulation in which the manipulator tries to convince you that you're unlovable.

Telling you that no one else will ever love you can be very hurtful and damaging. It can make you feel like you're not good enough, and it can make it difficult to move on from the relationship.

18. Threatening to hurt themselves or others

Threatening to hurt themselves or others is a form of emotional blackmail in which the manipulator threatens to do something harmful if you don't do what they want.

Threatening to hurt themselves or others can be very scary and intimidating. It can make you


5 out of 5

Language : English
File size : 373 KB
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
Word Wise : Enabled
Print length : 70 pages
Screen Reader : Supported
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5 out of 5

Language : English
File size : 373 KB
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
Word Wise : Enabled
Print length : 70 pages
Screen Reader : Supported
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